
INLEDE is a life and executive coaching company working with a wide range of individuals and companies to help them transition from where they are to where they want to be.  The agenda is the client’s agenda.  The primary focus is on the client and helping them achieve those things which are most important to them.  A strategic approach is followed to insure the client accomplishes their objectives.

An important aspect of life and executive coaching is self-discovery and self-awareness.  Through the “coaching conversation,” individual and executive clients alike have an opportunity to discover who they really are, what is really important to them, and what they would really like their future to look like.


What is a company’s overall obective?

What is the purpose of the company’s overall objective?

Is the company on target to achieve this objective?

What obstacles stand in the way of the company achieving their objectives?

Is the culture of the company ready for change?

How can the company achieve their objectives in the time they would like to achieve them?


What does the client want to accomplish in the short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term?

What are the most important things in the client’s life?

What are the client’s biggest goals and dreams?

What would success look like to the client?

What are the client’s accomplishments and successes?

What are the client’s greatest fears?

What brings the client the greatest joy?

What must the client accomplish in the next 12 months?

Coaching focuses on the goals of the client.  Whatever the client’s obectives are, are the objectives of the coach. Through the coaching process, the client is asked to evaluate and rate their level of satisfaction in all areas of their life, and priority is placed on the area/s the client would like to improve.



The coach helps the client by offering them suppport, encouragement, and accountability. At INLEDE,  we ask powerful questions so that the client can truly discover what are the most important things to them and not if they can achieve what is possible, but how can they achieve what is possible.  The possibilities are then “blueprinted” with a plan to help them transition from where they are to where they want to be.